Our Rescuers in Times of Trouble: First Responders and Soul Repair
When danger and emergencies threaten lives, we depend on first responders for help. In this episode, Rita and Susan explore with their guests, the impact of such high stakes, often dangerous work and the moral cost of failure and exhaustion. They also assess the legal and cultural barriers involved in first responders finding support and solutions that chaplains and other spiritual care providers can offer to repair the souls of those who dedicate themselves to our safety and to saving lives.
Mr. J. Corey Feist, JD, MBA, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Dr. Lorna Breen
Heroes Foundation.
Chaplain Michael A. Shochet, MSM, Chaplain Coordinator, Fairfax County Police
Department, Fairfax VA, and Senior Cantor, Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls
Church, VA.
Rev. Ann Kansfield, M.Div., Pastor of Greenpoint Reformed Church and Chaplain
in the Fire Department of New York City.